All in Attitude!

Christmas tournament 2024

Christmas tournament 2024

The emotions from the last competition of the year are still holding us!

Over 250 children took part in our traditional tournament and showed how much they have progressed during the year. All this thanks to their efforts, work, dedication and the work of their coaches

Two Olympic champions - Tanya Bogomilova and Semen Novikov, “opened” the competition and motivated the children before the start. They awarded the best athletes in the club for 2024 and presented special awards to every coach in the club. The best male competitor for another year was Alex Stoinov, who continues to develop, maintain an extremely high level of swimming, realize his shortcomings as a mature competitor and fight to become better every day.

Simona Ivanova is the best in the "Women" and "Senior Girls" age groups without any surprise. Her hard work, perseverance and energy are an example to any young competitor. Moni keeps surprising us with her development and we are absolutely sure that if she continues like this, she has all the qualities - physically and mentally - to rewrite the history of Bulgarian swimming. She is also the first competitor of our club to win a medal for Bulgaria at an international competition.

The best swimmer for 2024 in the Junior girls age group is Karina Mitrova. This year, Kari was simply unstoppable. He outdid himself, broke record after record (including a few of his own) and was unmatched. Because of the broken records, Kari also received our special prize "A Star Is Born". Karina is one of the most promising swimmers. Her bright future is entirely in her hands. We believe in her unconditionally.

Yavor Stefanov is the best among the Senior boys age group - he joined us a year and a half ago with a great desire to develop. Emotional and well-rounded, he is one of those swimmers who quickly learns from his mistakes and uses them to learn as many lessons as possible, for which he deserves huge admiration!

The best Junior Athlete 2024 is Oleg Milanov. He is one of those children who stand out for their hard work and determination - and these qualities are among the most important for achieving success in the long term. We strongly believe that it is they who will help Oleg to develop his full potential in swimming!

In the "Children" age group, Siana Miteva and Evgeni Nikolov received the prize for the best swimmers. With amazing innate abilities and great human qualities, the two have taken the long road to the big racing arena, and this small success today is just the beginning for them.

Each child left with gifts from our sponsors Sport Depot, Bornwiner, Speedo and CityBuild. We are very thankful! For another year, we participated in a charity campaign and collected over 200 gifts for children in need.